Streamlining Retail Media Asset Management

“Refine your approach, embrace change, and open doors to limitless possibilities.”

Streamlining Retail Media Asset Management

Maximising Impact through Centralised Solutions


In today’s dynamic retail landscape, brands & retailers face the challenge of effectively managing assets across multiple channels.

Brand marketing and VM (visual merchandising) teams constantly strive to optimise operations, revenue and make the most of their retail media. That’s where a centralised retail asset media solution platform comes into play, revolutionising the way retail assets are managed, accessed, and leveraged for success.

Capture and centralise all media assets:

‘Simplifying Access and Collaboration’

With centralised media asset platforms, brand marketing and VM teams can consolidate media assets from diverse retail media channels (in-store, digital, web, publishing, eventing, pop ups, social media) onto a centralised platform.

The solution simplifies access, planning and collaboration, eliminating the need to search for assets across outdated documents and multiple teams.

By eliminating the need for searching and retrieving assets across multiple locations, teams can save valuable time and effort, promoting greater efficiency and collaboration.

Visibility – Comprehensive Asset Insights Unleashed

Platform solutions should offer brands unmatched visibility into stores, assets, floorplans, and specifications. A centralised platform provides real-time, detailed information on each asset, including location, appearance, value, and specifications for collateral production.

With this visibility, brand marketing and visual merchandising teams can optimize asset usage, reduce discrepancies, and maintain consistent brand representation & activations across all media channels.

Seasonal Planning for promotional activity made easy

Coordinating All Media Asset Types’

For retailers and brands to succeed, it’s crucial to synchronise offerings and campaigns across different retail media assets.

Simplify seasonal planning with shared calendars that centralize promotional bookings for your asset media landscape and brand vendor networks.

Visual merchandisers and brand managers can efficiently allocate and streamline their campaign planning, processes, and approvals. This ensures optimal activation and scheduling of assets across all media channels, both for internal and brand marketing operations.

By avoiding double booking, overlaps, gaps, or last-minute changes, retailers and brands can deliver cohesive and impactful campaign experiences throughout the year.

Streamlining On-Site Promotions:

VM Briefing and Activations Compliance’

Smooth on-site promotional activities rely on efficient communication, task management, and briefings. An effective platform solution enables seamless collaboration between Brand Marketing, Visual Merchandising (VM), and on-field production teams.

Specifically designed for retailers and brands, this solution simplifies communication channels, task assignments, and ensures compliance with brand guidelines.

Teams can easily share proof of postings, promoting transparency and accountability among all campaign stakeholders.

Actionable Insights for Success

‘Customised Real-Time Reporting’

Real-time reporting and dashboards play a vital role in improving and measuring the effectiveness of retail media efforts. Brand Marketing and Visual Merchandising teams can generate comprehensive reports and dashboards that offer insights into asset-related activities, promotional bookings, asset finance revenue, and operational activities.

These real-time analytics empower decision-makers to identify trends, optimise strategies, and maximise their return on retail media investments.


The Centreva Platform revolutionises the way retailers and brands optimise their retail media assets in the fast-paced retail industry.  It empowers brand marketing and VM teams to maximise the growth, effectiveness, and brand presence of their business.

By providing a centralised platform, it streamlines operations for media asset management, communications, brand planning, campaign approvals, financing, compliance, and successful activations.

Many retailers and brands struggle with complex spreadsheets and operational arrangements to keep up with media asset allocations, often overlooking optimisation opportunities due to overwhelming activation pressures.

Additionally, there is a lack of insights from past campaigns, hindering progress. It’s important to remember that without change, we can’t expect different results.

Author: Zac Bank – Centreva Pty Ltd (

About Centreva

We are a solutions and services company that specialises in transforming retail brand marketing and merchandising across all media channels. Our cutting-edge platform is revolutionizing the industry by offering comprehensive solutions for managing and optimizing retail media assets, including in-store, digital (EDM, web, social), publishing, and eventing.

With over a decade of experience, we have empowered retail marketing and merchandising teams worldwide. Our tailored platform solutions bring automation, efficiency, and best practices to brand marketing and visual merchandising activities.

We take pride in serving a prestigious clientele that includes high-end and luxury retailers and brands in over 30+ countries. Our reach extends to both local and travel-retail sectors, demonstrating our expertise and global impact in the industry.

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Top 5 Key Areas for retailers to enhance their brand marketing strategies

📣 Top 5 Key Areas for Retailers to Enhance Their Brand Marketing Strategies

As the retail brand marketing landscape continues to rapidly evolve, retailers and brands are awakening to the untapped potential of their media assets in driving sales, boosting brand visibility and maximizing the monetization of owned media.

This realization has become even more apparent post-COVID, as retailers and brands adopt a more strategic approach to brand marketing.

However, there are still significant areas where retailers can improve to fully optimise these valuable resources and impact their bottom line positively.

🎯 1. Unveiling the True ‘Ownership Value’

The primary challenge retailers face is often the lack of understanding the actual value of their media assets. From in-store displays to digital platforms like EDM, web, and social media, these assets hold immense potential.

Recognising this value is crucial, as it unlocks new revenue streams, boosts sales, and enhances brand visibility.

By carefully analysing and understanding this potential, retailers can seize opportunities that were previously unnoticed.

📈 2. Crafting a Comprehensive Sales Strategy

A mere rate card for retail media assets is no longer enough in today’s dynamic industry. Retailers need a well-defined plan to leverage their media assets to the fullest.

This involves identifying the target audience, understanding their needs, and creating compelling offerings that align with advertisers’ goals. A robust sales strategy enhances the appeal of media assets, making them more attractive to potential advertisers.

This becomes even more crucial when dealing with media assets across various regions, categories, channels, and teams.

💡 3. Centralizing Assets and Booking Platforms

Outdated and manual processes for managing media assets lead to inefficiencies, lost opportunities, and disjointed communication.

Retailers should consider centralizing media assets and adopting streamlined booking platforms across their retail network.

The benefits include improved team collaboration, streamlined workflows and optimal asset utilization.

🌐 4. Embracing Centralized Visibility and Media Booking Processes

To capitalize on the full potential of their media assets, retailers must break down silos between marketing, VM teams and brand networks.

Adopting a centralized, integrated approach ensures that all offerings are visible across all media assets and teams.

This enables retailers to create more impactful packages and campaigns, providing advertisers with comprehensive solutions that deliver better results.

📊 5. Measuring the Revenue Impact of Media Assets

Understanding the impact of brand marketing and VM media assets on revenue generation and brand performance is crucial for retailers.

These insights help optimize brand marketing efforts, fine-tune media offerings, package campaigns effectively, and allocate media assets efficiently across retail categories.

Measuring media asset revenue impact allows retailers to identify successful strategies and continuously improve their brand marketing initiatives.

In conclusion,

Modern retailers must prioritise the optimisation of their retail media assets to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. By recognizing the importance of:

• Understanding the ownership value

• Developing a comprehensive sales strategy

• Centralizing assets and booking platforms

• Embracing centralized visibility

• Measuring revenue impact

Retailers can unlock the full potential of their media assets, leading to sustained growth and success. Additionally, this approach enables them to strengthen their business network and enhance collaborations.

Those who excel in these areas will undoubtedly distinguish themselves in the ever-evolving retail landscape, setting themselves apart as leaders in the industry.

Author: Zac Bank – Centreva Pty Ltd (

About Centreva

We are a solutions and services company that specializes in transforming retail brand marketing and merchandising across all media channels.

Our cutting-edge platform is revolutionizing the industry by offering comprehensive solutions for managing and optimizing retail media assets, including in-store, digital (EDM, web, social), publishing, and eventing.

With over a decade of experience, we have empowered retail marketing and merchandising teams worldwide. Our tailored platform solutions bring automation, efficiency, and best practices to brand marketing and visual merchandising activities.

We take pride in serving a prestigious clientele that includes high-end and luxury retailers and brands in over 30+ countries. Our reach extends to both local and travel-retail sectors, demonstrating our expertise and global impact in the industry.

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The Omni-Channel Mindset – Transforming retail brand marketing strategies for today’s dynamic landscape

“Success in retail is not merely a matter of selling products, but of orchestrating an exquisite symphony of customer-centric experiences across all channels, creating harmonious melodies that resonate with hearts and minds.”

– Mary Portas

Embracing the Omni Channel Mindset:

‘ Transforming retail brand marketing strategies for today’s dynamic landscape ‘


In the rapidly evolving world of retail, brand marketing has transcended traditional approaches, requiring retailers to adopt a dynamic omni-channel mindset.

The shift towards an omni-channel strategy has become essential for retailers seeking a competitive edge. As brands strive for high exposure, synchronised targeting, and seamless execution across various media assets, retailers must embrace the power of Omni Channel Marketing to advance their sales and elevate their brand presence in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Technology, among other crucial elements, plays a pivotal role in this transformative journey.

The Omni Channel Revolution:

Today’s consumers engage with brands across multiple touch points. To keep up with evolving customer behaviour, retailers must move beyond isolated marketing efforts and embrace an omni-channel approach.

This ensures that all media assets, including in-store displays, EDM, digital screens, websites, publishing, and event marketing, work cohesively to deliver a consistent brand message.

Such a strategy empowers retailers to meet customers at every step of their journey, fostering brand loyalty and driving revenue growth.

Understanding the Tremendous Potential:

Embracing an omni-channel mindset unlocks tremendous opportunities for retailers in their brand marketing endeavours.

By adopting a synchronised approach, retailers can offer customers a unified and personalised experience, regardless of the channel they interact with. This not only enhances customer engagement but also fosters long-lasting connections with the brand.

Retailers need to recognise the significance of omni channel marketing in maximising exposure and expanding their presence across diverse platforms.

Harnessing the Power of Technology:

While an omni-channel strategy involves various elements, technology stands as a crucial enabler. Retailers must leverage cutting-edge technologies to centralise and manage their media assets effectively.

AI-driven insights can provide a deeper understanding of customer preferences and behaviours, allowing retailers to create targeted and personalised marketing strategies that resonate with their audience.

Additionally, real-time data analytics empowers retailers to make data-driven decisions and optimise their marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Elevating Retail Brand Marketing:

In today’s competitive retail landscape, staying ahead requires constant innovation. Retailers need to continuously evolve their brand marketing strategies to adapt to changing consumer preferences for brand media channels.

By adopting an omni-channel approach, retailers can elevate their brand marketing business, efforts, gain a comprehensive view of performance metrics across media assets and optimise campaigns accordingly.

Building Collaborative Partnerships:

Successful omni-channel brand marketing relies on collaboration. Retailers should forge partnerships with suppliers, brands, and technology providers to create innovative and impactful campaigns.

By sharing resources, insights, and expertise, these collaborations enable the co-creation of campaigns that resonate deeply with the target audience.


In today’s fast-paced retail world, adopting an omni-channel mindset is crucial for retailers aiming to succeed and thrive.

To advance their sales, enhance their brand presence, and meet the demands of today’s customers, retailers must embrace an omni-channel strategy with their media assets.

Understanding the potential of this approach, leveraging technology, and fostering collaborative partnerships are key steps in transforming retail brand marketing strategies.

By continuously adapting to customer needs and utilising cutting-edge technologies, retailers can achieve unprecedented success in today’s dynamic and competitive retail landscape.

Author: Zac Bank (Centreva)

About Centreva

We are a solutions and services company that specialises in transforming retail brand marketing and merchandising across all media channels. Our cutting-edge platform is revolutionising the industry by offering comprehensive solutions for managing and optimising retail media assets, including in-store, digital (EDM, web, social), publishing, and eventing.

With over a decade of experience, we have empowered retail marketing and merchandising teams worldwide. Our tailored platform solutions bring automation, efficiency, and best practices to brand marketing and visual merchandising activities.

We take pride in serving a prestigious clientele that includes high-end and luxury retailers and brands in over 30+ countries. Our reach extends to both local and travel-retail sectors, demonstrating our expertise and global impact in the industry.

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Igniting the Power of Unified Retail Media

Igniting the Power of Unified Retail Media

Navigating Omni-Channel Brilliance for Today’s Global Brands


In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, brands in multi-brand retailers are demanding more than ever before—a universal, synchronised marketing strategy across all channels.

Embracing a truly unified retail media approach is no longer optional; it’s an imperative for success. Let’s explore five impactful steps to navigate the omni-channel brilliance that today’s global brands crave.

1) Embrace Channel Synchronicity

Gone are the days of fragmented marketing efforts. Global brands require channel synchronicity, where every media asset, from captivating visuals in-store to activations on digital and social platforms with persuasive messaging, works cohesively to deliver a consistent brand narrative.

This approach ensures a seamless and unified customer experience, regardless of the channel they engage with.

2) Cultivate a Brand-Centric Mindset

Brands today are not just selling products; they are selling an experience, a story, and a lifestyle. To create a lasting impression, retailers must cultivate a brand-centric mindset that places the brand essence at the heart of every marketing initiative. This unified brand marketing approach across multiple media channels, strengthens brand identity and fosters deeper connections with the audience.

3) Leverage Data-Driven Insights

In a global marketplace, understanding diverse customer preferences and behaviours is crucial. Data-driven insights empower retailers to tailor brand marketing proposals to resonate with specific audiences across geographic zones.

Retailers and Brands that harness the power of data can deliver personalised experiences that drive customer loyalty and advocacy.

4) Collaborate for Collective Success

Global brands demand collective brilliance. Collaborative partnerships with retailers, brands, suppliers, agencies, and technology providers open new horizons for innovation and creativity. By uniting expertise and resources, retailers and brands can co-create marketing initiatives that break barriers and reach new heights.

5) Continuously Innovate and Adapt

The retail landscape is an ever-evolving canvas. Brands that stay ahead are those that continuously innovate and adapt their marketing strategies.

Staying in sync with communications and advertising of emerging trends and customer preferences across multiple retail media asset channels, allows brands to stay relevant and maintain a competitive edge in the global market.


Today’s global brands seek more than just standard marketing strategies. They demand a unified retail media approach that transcends boundaries, synced messaging across all media channels and resonate with diverse audiences worldwide.

By embracing omni-channel brilliance, cultivating a brand-centric mindset and leveraging data-driven insights, Retailers can ignite the power of unified retail media and propel their Brands to unprecedented heights in the dynamic global retail market.

Author: Zac Bank – Centreva Pty Ltd (

About Centreva

We are a solutions and services company that specialises in transforming retail brand marketing and merchandising across all media channels. Our cutting-edge platform is revolutionising the industry by offering comprehensive solutions for managing and optimising retail media assets, including in-store, digital (EDM, web, social), publishing, and eventing.

With over a decade of experience, we have empowered retail marketing and merchandising teams worldwide. Our tailored platform solutions bring automation, efficiency, and best practices to brand marketing and visual merchandising activities.

We take pride in serving a prestigious clientele that includes high-end and luxury retailers and brands in over 30+ countries. Our reach extends to both local and travel-retail sectors, demonstrating our expertise and global impact in the industry.

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Unifying Multi-Channel Retail Media Management

“In the symphony of work, a harmonious blend of centralised solutions orchestrates the melody of effortless productivity.” – Sophia Allende

Unifying Multi-Channel Retail Media Management

Empowering Both Retailers and Brands

In today’s dynamic retail ecosystem, managing media assets across diverse channels has become a pivotal challenge and a golden opportunity.

In this concise article, we’ll delve into the vital role of a unified solution for effective retail media management. This solution not only simplifies intricate workflows, especially in the context of global stakeholders and internal teams but also brings tremendous value to both retailers and brands.

The Crucial Role of a Unified Solution:

Imagine a centralised hub where all your retail media assets, spanning captivating in-store displays to captivating digital content, are meticulously organised and easily accessible.

This is where the power of a unified solution shines. Beyond the seamless access it offers, a centralised repository fosters consistency for assets, ensuring a harmonised brand identity across all customer touch-points.

Navigating Global Stakeholders and Teams – A Win for Both Retailers and Brands:

One of the most intricate challenges in retail media management is harmonising efforts with numerous brand stakeholders dispersed across the globe. Each region might bring unique preferences, regulations, and cultural factors to the table. Here, a unified solution acts as a bridge, enabling teams from various corners of the world to collaborate effortlessly while safeguarding brand integrity.

For retailers, this ensures a cohesive representation of the brand, regardless of regional nuances. For brands, it means maintaining control over their creative activations across diverse channels, preserving the essence that makes them stand out.

Unlocking Synergy Among Internal Teams:

In any retail organization, a spectrum of teams share the responsibility of crafting, refining, and delivering media assets. These teams span brand marketing, visual merchandising, content creators, production teams, CMS integrated digital teams, and more.

The beauty of a unified solution is its ability to facilitate seamless communication and streamlined processes across these multifaceted teams.

The result? Enhanced productivity, efficiency and streamlined consistent professional delivery of high-quality assets.

Strategic Planning and Access Privileges for Optimal Results:

The life cycle of a retail media asset encompasses multiple stages, from inception and creation to distribution and updates.

Effective planning is the linchpin, ensuring smooth sailing without bottlenecks and ensuring timely deployment. A unified solution offers the invaluable capability of precise scheduling, tracking, and monitoring of assets across diverse channels.

Additionally, it empowers the assignment of team and regional privileges. This feature ensures that the right individuals possess access to the appropriate assets, safeguarding against unauthorized transactions or use and ensuring data security.

Conclusion: The Synergy of Unity

As the retail landscape continues its evolution, the indispensability of a unified solution for managing media assets across multi-channel mediums becomes even more evident.

This solution not only simplifies collaboration, supports global stakeholders, and aligns internal teams but also adds substantial value for both retailers and brands.

Whether you’re a retailer with a global presence or a brand catering to diverse consumer bases, the adoption of a unified solution elevates your retail media management, delivering consistent and impactful brand experiences across the spectrum.

Let’s champion the power of unity in retail media management, confidently striding into the future of retail and brand commerce.

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Author: Zac Bank (Centreva)

About Centreva

We are a solutions and services company that specialises in transforming retail brand marketing and merchandising across all media channels. Our cutting-edge platform is revolutionising the industry by offering comprehensive solutions for managing and optimising retail media assets, including in-store, digital (EDM, web, social), publishing, and eventing.

With over a decade of experience, we have empowered retail marketing and merchandising teams worldwide. Our tailored platform solutions bring automation, efficiency, and best practices to brand marketing and visual merchandising activities.

We take pride in serving a prestigious clientele that includes high-end and luxury retailers and brands in over 30+ countries. Our reach extends to both local and travel-retail sectors, demonstrating our expertise and global impact in the industry.

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